The online casino Gratorama is a major player in online gaming. Established in 2008, the platform has seen steady growth due to the exciting welcome offers available and unique game options.
Bonuses and Promotions at Gratorama
To give newcomers a taste of the platform, Gratorama offers a no-deposit bonus of €7. Simply by registering, players can start exploring Gratorama without needing to deposit.
On top of the free-play bonus, players are entitled to a first-deposit bonus of 100%. This offer doubles the first deposit up to €200. To claim the offer, players must deposit a minimum of €10, with a 40x wagering limit.
Games Available on Gratorama
Gratorama’s game library focuses on slots and scratch card games. Popular slot titles include “Vegas Lights” and “Shaman’s Gold”. These titles are unique to the Gratorama platform.
Scratch card games include well-loved options like “Carnival Scratch”. The games are fast and straightforward, perfect for casual gaming.
Deposits and Withdrawals at Gratorama
Players can deposit using credit cards, digital wallets, and here other options. Deposits and withdrawals are safe and efficient, making it easy for users to dive into the games.
Customer Support on Gratorama
Gratorama’s customer service is available 24/7 via live chat and email. For any questions or problems, support responds quickly and professionally.
With its attractive bonuses, exclusive games, and strong customer support, Gratorama is a preferred choice among online gaming fans.